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Şanlıurfa °C

Memorial evening of Lohuti and Aуni in Tehran

Memorial evening of Lohuti and Aуni in Tehran

Memorial evening of Lohuti and Aуni in Tehran


On August 11, 2024, a memorial evening of Abdulqosim Lohuti and Sadriddin Ayni was held in the Firdavsi Hall of the House of Writers of Iran on the initiative of the famous Iranian magazine “Bukhoro” and the Embassy of Tajikistan in Iran. The event was attended by representatives of creative intelligentsia of Iran, admirers of the works of Abulqosim Lohuti and Sadriddin Ayni, representatives of the Embassy of Tajikistan in Tehran.

The meeting was opened by the Editor-in-Chief of “Bukhoro” magazine Ali Dehbashi, who told about the history of publishing the heritage of the Abulqosim Lohuti and Sadriddin Ayni.

During the evening, Iranian scholars Ali Ashraf Shabestari, Masoud Irfanian, Arash Iranpour, Mohsen Farahbar, Gudarz Rashtian, Lodin Alampour, as well as Tajik researcher Abdulkholiq Nabavi (online) spoke about the role and contribution of Abulqosim Lohuti and Sadriddin Ayni in the development of Tajik literature and the preservation of the Tajik (Persian) language in Tajikistan.

The book “Letters of Abulqosim Lohuti and Sadriddin Ayni”, which was translated into Persian by the Iranian researcher Mohsen Farahbar and published by “Sheroza” publishing house of Iran, was also presented at the meeting.


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